Learn Java

This section is intended to serve as your resource for getting started with Java. We suggest the steps below.

Note: Many of the links below go "off site", so you will need to use your browser's BACK button to get back here. (Some of the materials are offsite because they are used for other purposes, such as our courses).
  • Step 1: What is Object-Oriented Programming? This page provides an overview of objects in general (with a Java flavor) and why they are important. Skim through to get a "general sense" and return to this after learning more about objects.
  • Step 2: Compare Java with C and C++. This page gives a detailed comparison of the three languages Java, C and C++. If you are familiar with C/C++, this may be the quickest way to learn Java. The page contains many examples of code with equivalent versions in each language. If you are just browsing to get some sense of what Java is all about, you may wish to come back to this comparison table later.
  • Step 3: (forthcoming - it's not yet complete) Start with our entry-level tutorial. This work-in-progress (not complete at this time) is a simple introduction to Java using applets, with material you can readily use in an intro programming course of your own, and starts with basics such as how to download Java tools.
  • Step 4: Browse through more detailed material on Java. This material is a faster-paced and more detailed study of Java covered many gory details of Java objects and syntax, and also covering some of the libraries (API), such as Swing. You might want to spend most of your time on Modules 1-7, and if you plan to cover GUI's, Modules 9-11.
  • Step 5: Advice on books. Get some books! Especially if you don't like staring at the screen all day.
  • Step 6: Explore our list of web resources on Java. This page contains an annotated list of Java-related web links categorized by level-of-difficulty.

Last updated: 14-July-03
Department of Computer Science, The George Washington University.